Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Cyber Threat Monitoring: What Is It, And Do You Need It?

Any business of any size, will always be in danger of cyber attacks. Not surprisingly, small to medium-sized businesses are more likely to suffer data breaches, as they often have their guards down, appearing to be easy targets for cyber hackers.
Simply, anyone using the internet is at risk of being a victim of a cyber-attack, and this is not something that should be treated lightly. Luckily, cyber threat monitoring is a forceful, effective way of maintaining your security.
There are endless risks companies face on a daily basis, which include online scams, identity theft, viruses, worms, web-based attacks and fraud. These could have devastating effects on a company, where cyber criminals look for important data regarding your business. This could be anything from customer records to employee and banking information.

Do you really need cyber threat monitoring?

Simply, yes. It is an essential security process and without it, you’d be considered an open target for cyber attacks and dangerously vulnerable as a company. The three main reasons as to why you need cyber threat monitoring are:
  1. Valuable data. A naïve trait by a number of companies is to think they don’t have any data or information worth stealing. No matter how big or small a company is, any information should be kept safe, secure and remain in private. Examples of information that should not be disclosed could be anything from employee’s personal data to customer transactions, or even credit card numbers.
  2. Cyber criminals are more adept than ever to knowing exactly how to take advantage of the vulnerabilities that may exist within your business. Cyber threat monitoring is an efficient process to provide your business with the resources needed to manage threats and compliance.
  3. Without cyber threat monitoring, businesses are considered an easy, open target. Regardless of business size, cyber criminals will be savvy enough to choose the easiest and weakest businesses and infiltrate them.

1 comment:

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